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Mouse Observation Tools for Modified-SHIRPA

Mouse Observation Tools for Modified-SHIRPA

for Combined Modified SHIRPA and Dysmorphology (CSD)

behavioral and morphological characteristics


These are tools to observe behavioral and morphological characteristics for Modified-SHIRPA & Combined Modified SHIRPA and Dysmorphology (CSD).
We have a license to produce and provide the same tools as used in RIKEN BioResource Center Technology and Development Team for Mouse Phenotype Analysis (Japan Mouse Clinic), under the instruction of them.
Moreover, we are developing data entry software with Japan Mouse Clinic in order to reduce the time, labor power and mistakes for data registry. The software will be adapted to International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium CSD (IMPC CSD) version.

  1. Arena
  2. Viewing jar
  3. Grid floor
  4. Supports for Grid floor
  5. Stainless steel plate
  6.  Wire attached to an end of a dowel
  7. Plastic rod
  8. Forceps with tips bent
  9. Ruler
  10. Transparent tube ø25
  11. ø30 12. ø35
  12. Click box



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